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4Cats Curs de llengua

Vista mosaic 50 results for 1950-1964

Video Title Description City Date mm:ss
Enric Casasses Interview Barcelona 30/03/2010 02' 08''
Perejaume Interview Barcelona 30/03/2010 02' 59''
Teresa Pascual Interview Barcelona 30/03/2010 03' 25''
Dolors Miquel Interview Barcelona 30/03/2010 02' 12''
Àngel Terron Interview Palma 30/03/2010 02' 49''
Perejaume. Mireu el nom Poem Barcelona 30/03/2010 29''
Àlex Susanna Interview Barcelona 30/03/2010 03' 28''
Enric Sòria Interview Barcelona 30/03/2010 03' 09''
Perejaume. Davant del ram Poem Barcelona 30/03/2010 27''
Albert Roig Interview Barcelona 30/03/2010 03' 14''
Perejaume. Una terra plena de llum Poem Barcelona 30/03/2010 37''
Carles Duarte Interview Barcelona 30/03/2010 03' 18''

Results for 1950-1964

50 results

1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5

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The Institut Ramon Llull aims at projecting the Catalan language and their culture in all its forms, materials and means of expression.