DOLORS MIQUEL (Lleida, 1960)
Dolors Miquel has published numerous books of poems: El vent i la casa tancada (1990) (The Wind and the Closed House), Llibre dels homes (1998) (The Book of Men), Transgredior (1999) (Passing Beyond), Haikús del camioner (1999) (Truck-driver Haiku), Gitana Roc (2000) (Gypsy Stone), Mos de gat (2002) (Cat Morsels), Amb capell (2003) (With Hat), Ver7s de la terra (2004) (Short Verses of the Land), AIOÇ (2004) and Missa pagesa (2006) (Country Mass). In terms of prose, he has published Maruja Reyes sóc jo (1992) (I Am Maruja Reyes). She has also published one and a half issues of the magazine La Verge Peluda (2002). Her poetic work has garnered several awards, including the Rosa Leveroni Award (1989) and the City of Barcelona Poetry Award (2005).
The description that Dolors Miquel herself provides of the poems in Gitana Roc illustrates the main themes explored in her poems: “I speak, above all, of the harm caused by social structures such as the family or the police. Social love is the most shocking contract of fear, and also the most powerful safeguard of society, and sex is the carrot. As far as fear of loneliness is concerned, as Víctor Català said: it is better to remain alone that to live in eternal contradiction with oneself following the principles of action that others impose on you”.
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· Maruja Reyes sóc jo
(Columna, 1992) [‘I am Maruja Reyes’].
· El vent i la casa tancada
(Columna, 1990) [‘The wind and the closed house’].
· Llibre dels homes
(empúries - ed. 62, 1998) [‘The book of men’].
· Haikús del camioner
(empúries, 1999) [‘Truck-driver Haiku’].
· Gitana Roc
(Llibres del Segle, 2000) [‘Gipsy stone’].
· Mos de gat
(ed. 62 - empúries, 2002) [‘Cat Morsels’].
· Ver7s de la terra
(Pagès, 2004) [‘Short Verses of the Land’].
(empúries, 2004).
· Missa pagesa
(ed. 62, 2006) [‘Country Mass’].
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· He decidido seguir viviendo... [Anthology], tr. José Bru & Jorge Souza. Mexico: Universidad de Guadalajara, 2004.
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