ENRIC SÒRIA (Oliva, 1958)
Writer. Enric Sòria has a degree in Ancient History and is Professor of Humanities and Communication at the Ramon Llull University in Barcelona. He was a founding member of the magazine Daina, editor of the weekly El
Temps (1985-1988) and director of the opinion section of the newspaper Avui (1997-2001). He has published books of poetry such as Mirall de miratges (1982) (Mirror of Mirages), Varia et memorabilia (1982) (Miscellanea and Memorabilia), Compàs d’espera (1993) (Waiting Rhythm) and L’instant etern (1999) (The Eternal Instant), his latest collection of poetry. In 2005 he collected fragments of a journal he had left unfinished in 1984 as La lentitud del mar. Dietari, 1989-1997 (2005) (The Langour of the Sea. Diary 1989-1997). The work is a journal that bears witness to a voyage through the Europe of the fallen Berlin Wall and the end of the USSR; it is also a work that reflects upon writing itself as well as admired authors such as Leopardi, Pla and Gil de Biedma. His latest book, Cartes de prop (2006) (Letters from Nearby), is a collection of chronicles published in “Quadern”, a literary supplement in the Valencian edition of El País. He has translated from German into Catalan, along with Heike van Lawick, Kafka’s The Metamorphosis and, from English, Confessions of an English Opium-Eater by Thomas Quincey and Into Footnotes All Their Lust by Sam Abrams, along with the author.
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· Sermonari laic
(Germania, 1994) [‘Secular sermons’].
· Incitacions
(tàndem, 1997) [‘Incitements’].
· L’espill de Janus
(Proa, 2000) [‘Janus’ mirror’].
· Cartes de prop
(Moll, 2006) [‘Letters from Nearby’].
· Mirall de miratges
(El Cingle, 1982) [‘Mirror of Mirages’].
· Varia et memorabilia
(Diputació, 1984) [‘Miscellanea and Memorabilia’].
· Compàs d’espera
(La Guerra, 1993) [‘Waiting Rhythm’].
· L’instant etern
(Proa, 1999) [‘The eternal instant’].
· Mentre parlem
(Ed. 62, 1991) [‘While we’re talking’].
· La lentitud del mar: Dietari, 1989-1997
(Proa, 2005) [‘The Langour of the Sea. Diary 1989-1997’]
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· 48 poètes catalans pour le XXI Siècle [Anthology], tr. François - Michel Durazzo. Québec: Écrits de Forges, 2005.
· 40 poslie 39 [Anthology], tr. Elena Zernova. Sant Petersburg: Sankt Petersburgskogo Universiteta, 2002.
· Andén de cercanías, tr. Carlos Marzal. València: Pretextos,1996.
· Sol de sal la nueva poesía catalana (antología 1976-2001), tr. Jordi Virallonga. Barcelona: DVD Ediciones, 2001.
· He decidido seguir viviendo... [Anthology], tr. José Bru & Jorge Souza. Mexico: Universidad de Guadalajara, 2004.
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