PEREJAUME (Sant Pol de Mar, 1957)
Painter and poet. He has published various books of essays and poetry. Noteworthy among his essays are Ludwig-Jujol. Què és el collage sinó acostar soledats? (1989) (Ludwig-Jujol. What is Collage but to Bring Solitudes closer?), El paisatge és rodó (1995) (Landscape is Round, ) and Oïsme (1998), and, among his poetry, La pintura i la boca (1993)(Painting and the Mouth), and Obreda (2003) (Workings). In 2004 he published a study in tribute to the poet Jacint Verdaguer, entitled Els cims pensamenters (The Violet Peaks), winner of the 2005 National Prize for Visual Arts, and a year later he published Amagar-se (Hiding Oneself). He was also the recipient of the 2006 National Prize for Visual Arts.
Perejaume began to exhibit his pictorial work in the mid-1970s but would shortly afterwards introduce new expressive techniques: texts, actions, photographs and videos. Nature constitutes a recurring central theme in his work since it affords him the opportunity to contemplate a broad spectrum of issues. He establishes a rich dialogue between the representation of landscape and landscape itself, between the protected space of the museum and the world that lies beyond it. He dismantles the elements of pictorial art to reveal its primary matter and draws it closer to nature. He makes a break with the artifices of artistic tradition to build a poetic discourse that brings it closer to the land. This creative approach includes considering language as an intrinsic part of the same things. Hence, Perejaume is quite at home crossing the fragile boundary between plastic and literary creation.
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· Ludwig-Jujol. Què és el collage sinó acostar soledats?
(La Magrana, 1989) [‘Ludwig-Jujol. What is Collage but to Approach Solitude?’].
· El paisatge és rodó
(Eumo editorial, 1995) [‘The Countryside is Round’].
· Oïsme (Proa, 1998).
(Empúries, 2003) [‘Workings’].
Els cims pensamenters
(Polígrafa, 2004) [‘The Violet Peaks’].
L’obra i la por
(Galaxia Gutemberg, 2007) [‘Work and fear’].
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· He decidido seguir viviendo... [Anthology], tr. José Bru & Jorge Souza. Mexico: Universidad de Guadalajara, 2004.
· Resonancias. Poesía catalana contemporánea [Anthology], tr. Marta Noguer Ferrer & Carlos Guzmán Moncada. Mexico: UNAM, 2004.
· Ludwig Jujol, tr. G. Sisternas & R. Watson. Barcelona: Ediciones Originales, 2005.
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