TERESA PASCUAL (Gandia, 1952)
Teresa Pascual is a poet and translator. Pascual has a degree in Philosophy from the University of Valencia and is a secondary school teacher in Gandia. She introduced herself with her first book of poems, Flexo (1988) (Reading Lamp). Other noteworthy books include Arena (1993)(Sand), Curriculum Vitae (1996) and El temps en ordre (2002) (Time in Order). Her poetry has received various awards including the Crítica Serra d’Or. Of note among her work as a translator is the translation of the Poesia completa (Complete Poetry) of Ingeborg Bachmann (1995) alongside Karin Shepers. Together with Lluïsa Julià she has written the essay Vosaltres, paraules: vint-i-cinc anys de poesia al País Valencià (2003)(You words: Twenty-Five Years of Complete Poetry in the Lands of Valencia). Her work is featured in many foreign language anthologies.
Since its beginnings marked by the attention to everyday life, tedium, love and the passing of time, the poetry of Teresa Pascual has moved towards metaphysical reflection within a process in which sensuality, the celebration of the senses, has become an element subject to a demanding spiritual restraint, certainly seeking poetic catharsis. Her latest book of poems is Rebel·lió de la sal (2008)(Salt Rebellion), voted by critics as one of the most ambitious books to date in her literary trajectory.
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· Flexo
(Gregal, 1988) [‘Reading lamp’].
· Les hores
(Eliseu Climent / 3i4, 1988) [‘The hours’].
· Arena
(IVEI Alfons el Magnànim, 1993) [‘Sand’].
· Curriculum vitae
(Eumo-Cafè Central, 1996).
· El temps en ordre
(Proa, 2002) [‘Time in order’].
· Rebel·lió de la sal
(Pagès editors, 2008) [‘Salt rebellion’].
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· Galeusca [Anthology], tr. J. A. Arrieta Ugartetxea. Navarra: AELG, EIE, AELC, 2004.
· Light off water [Anthology], tr. Christopher Whyte. Edinburgh: Scottish Poetry Library, 2007.
· 48 poètes catalans pour le XXI Siècle [Anthology], tr. François - Michel Durazzo. québec: Écrits de Forges, 2005.
· Galeusca [Anthology], tr. Lluïsa Soaz. Navarra: AELG, EIE, AELC, 2004.
· Poeti spagnoli contemporanei [Anthology], tr. Coco Emilio. Alessandria: Edizioni dell’Orso, 2008.
· Vremia vernikh zerkal. Dvadtsat katalonskih poetess XX stoletia [Anthology], tr. Elena Zernova. Sant Petersburg: Universitét, 2001.
· He decidido seguir viviendo... [Anthology], tr. José Bru & Jorge Souza. Mexico: Universidad de Guadalajara, 2004.
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