SUSANNA RAFART (Ripoll, 1962)
Susanna Rafart is a poet, fiction writer and literary critic. She obtained a degree in Hispanic Studies (1985) and another in Catalan Studies (1992) from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, after which she worked in senior positions teaching Spanish Language and Literature in secondary schools. She currently works as a literary critic for a number of publications, which she combines with organising cultural initiatives. She works on a regular basis with the media, for example with the newspaper Avui, the review Caràcters, and various radio stations.
Notable among her collections of poetry are Pou de glaç (2002) (Ice Well), winner of the 2001 Carles Riba Prize, Retrat en blanc (2004) (Portrait in White) and Baies (2005) (Berries). Her poetic work is featured in various anthologies and has been translated into different languages. This poetic facet is completed with translations of the works of Yves Bonnefoy, Dino
Campana and Salvatore Quasimodo.
The author has also published works of fiction including La inundació (2003) (The Flood), Les tombes blanques (2008) (White Tombs) and Un cor grec (2006) (A Greek Heart). She has also published various works for children.
Her oeuvre has received various awards including the Cavall Verd Prize (conferred by the Association of Catalan Language Writers) in the categories of translation and poetry, and the Crítica Serra d’Or Prize, among others.
The poetic voice of Susanna Rafart comprises “elegant and delicate words, very well chosen and cut with precision for their place within the verse like the tesserae of a mosaic. […] free of dissonance and fanfare, vulgarity and outbursts, everything is said with the subtlety and tenderness of a cat caressing a hand”.
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· Olis sobre paper
(Tres i Quatre, 1996) [[‘Oils on the paper’].
· A cor què vols
(SENHAL, 1997).
· Reflexió de la llum
(Columna, 1999) [‘The thinking of the light’].
· Jardins d’amor advers
(Moll, 2000) [‘Gardens of adverse love’].
· Pou de glaç
(Proa, 2002) [‘Ice well’].
· Retrat en blanc
(Moll, 2004) [‘Portrait in white’].
· Molí encès / Molino en llamas
(el Toro de Barro, 2005) [‘Mill on fire’].
· Baies
(Proa, 2005) [‘Berries’].
· Un cor grec
(Angle, 2006) [‘A Greek heart’].
· Els gira-sols blaus
(edebé, 1993) [‘The blue sunflower’].
· El pirata 101
(edebé, 1995) [‘The pirate 101’].
· La pols de l’argument
(edi-Liber, 2000) [‘The dust on the plot’].
· La inundació
(Proa, 2003) [‘The flood’].
· Les tombes blanques
(La Magrana, 2008) [‘White tombs’].
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· 101 Pirata, tr. K. Santisteban Zimarro. Barcelona: edebé, 1995.
· 101 Pirata. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2003.
· Moulin en flammes et autres poèmes toulousains [‘Molí en flames’], tr Joan-Yves Casanova. França: Fédérop, 2006.
· Pozzo di neve [‘Pou de glaç’], tr. Francesco Ardolino. Milan: Crocetti, 2006.
· Los girasoles azules, tr. Angelina Gatell Comas. Barcelona: edebé, 1993.
· Molino en llamas, tr. Susanna Rafart. Cuenca: el Toro de Barro, 2005.
· El pirata 101, tr. Pau Joan Hernández. Barcelona: edebé, 1999.
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