MÀRIUS SAMPERE (Barcelona, 1928)
Màrius Sampere is a poet, painter, composer and lyricist. As a poet, he has published numerous books, noteworthy among which are L’home i el límit (1968) (Man and Limit), Poemes en baixa freqüència (1976) (Low Frequency Poems), Recull de Blanes (1975) (The Blanes Collection), Samsara (1982), Llibre de les inauguracions (1984) (Book of Inaugurations), Demiúrgia (1996) (Demiurge), Subllum (2000) (Sublight), Les imminències (2002) (The Imminences) and Jerarquies (2003) (Hierarchies).
He has garnered the most prestigious accolades awarded to Catalan poetry, including the title of Master in the Art of Poetry at the Jocs Florals literary competition, the Creu de Sant Jordi (St. George’s Cross), the Crítica Serra
d’Or Prize, the City of Barcelona Poetry Prize and the National Prize for Literature.
Also noteworthy are his advanced studies in music (he is both a composer and a lyricist) and his forays into the plastic arts as an abstract painter. Currently, he chairs the Màrius Sampere International Award, convened by the Santa Coloma de Gramenet Town Hall, an award that includes events surrounding the figure and work of the poet. He has penned articles, narratives, prologues and several literary contributions. He is preparing, in addition to books of poems, various works of prose to be published shortly. Included in different anthologies, the poetry of Màrius Sampere, at first rooted in social realism on account of the difficulty of standardising it, establishes itself in actual fact on a very physical basis, occasionally, however, metaphysical and bitingly sarcastic; at other times, profoundly human.
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·L’home i el límit
(Proa, 1968) [‘Man and Limit’].
·L’ocell que udola
(Columna, 1990) [‘The Howling Bird’].
·Si no fos en secret
(Proa, 1999) [‘If it Were Not in Secret’] [an anthology of poetry edited by D. S. Abrams & Jaume Subirana].
(Proa, 2000) [‘Sublight’].
·Les imminències
(Proa, 2002) [‘The imminences’].
(Proa, 2003) [‘Hierarchies’].
·Ens trobarem a fora
(Proa, 2006) [‘We shall meet outdoors’].
·Altres presències
(Meteora, 2008) [‘Others appearances’].
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· Tieny drugogo moria: sovremennaia katalonskaia poesia [Anthology], tr. Elena Zernova. Sant Petersburg: university Press, 2000.
· Veintiún poetas catalanes para el siglo xxi [Anthology], tr. José Agustín Goytisolo. Barcelona: Lumen, 1996.
· Thanatos suite, tr. M. Sampere. Barcelona:Seuba,1997.
· Iconograma, tr. M. Sampere. Santa Coloma de Gramenet: La Garúa Libros, 2004.
· Resonancias. Poesía catalana contemporánea, [Anthology] tr. Marta Noguer Ferrer & Carlos Guzmán Moncada. Mexico: uNAM, 2004.
· Jerarquías, tr. M. Sampere. Mataró: Edicions Smara, 2005.
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