JOSEP PEDRALS (Barcelona, 1979)
Josep Pedrals is a poet and reciter. From 1997 Josep Pedrals has dedicated himself to bringing poetry to the stage, convinced of the importance of sharing and reciting it out loud. He has collaborated with radio and television programmes, and he has presented various theatre pieces in alternative circles, including
Estat major, Entremès, Ecs! (Joint Chiefs of Staff, Interlude, Ugh!), and in 2005 he brought the cross-discipline show
Wamba va! to the Mercat de les Flors Theatre. He is the author of the collection of poems
Els buits enutjosos (1999) (The Annoying Empty Spaces),
Escola italiana (2003)(Italian School),
Eclosions (Appearances) with photopoems by Ester Andorrà (2005),
El furgatori (2006) and
En l’“¡ai, adéu!” (In the “Oh, Goodbye”), with illustrations by Marc Torrent (Café Central, 2006), among others. His latest work,
En/doll, is a book-disc with the rapper Guillamino (2007), and is also the latest piece he has brought to the stage. He is also a singer and musician in the band Els Nens Eutròfics, and has coordinated, since 2001, the poetry recital season held in the bar Horiginal in Barcelona by the association HORINAL(Obrador de Recitacions i Noves Actituds Literàries, Recital Workshop and New Literary Attitudes). He keeps a blog: