ÀNGEL TERRON (Palma, 1953)
Scientist and poet. He has a degree and PhD in Chemistry and is presently a tenured lecturer in Inorganic Chemistry at the University of the Balearic Islands.
Àngel Terron has an unusual breadth of horizons, and hence resolves in his person the typical confrontation between science and letters. Both spheres frequently come together in his work when he speaks of universal themes such as love, the passing of time, philosophy and everyday life.
His first published collection of poetry was Iniciació a la química (1977)(Initiation into Chemistry), which was followed by the books of poems Llibre del Mercuri (1982) (Book of Mercury), Ternari (1986) (Ternary), Geometria Descriptiva (1999)(Descriptive Geometry), Sons nets (2004)(Clean Sounds) and À Mon Seul Désir (2007)(To My Only Desire). He has also published the anthology Art breu. Antologia 1973-2008 (2008) (Brief Art. Anthology 1973-2008).
His engagement with the world of literature is not limited to poetry, however. He has also been editor and co-editor respectively of the magazines Blanc d’ou and Poetry and Sons, and has been co-director of the Tafal poetry collection in Palma de Majorca.
He frequently works with different branches of the mass media and writes for Última Hora and Diari de Mallorca, and submits international reviews in his field of chemistry.
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· Iniciació a la química
(Tafal, 1977) [‘Initiation into chemistry’].
· Noema
(La Musa Decapitada, 1978).
· Llibre del Mercuri
(Llibres del Mall, 1982) [’Book of Mercury’].
· Ternari
(Llibres del Mall, 1986) [‘Ternary’].
· De Bell Nou
(Eumo, 1993) [‘Again’].
· Al·lotropies
(Universitat de les Illes Balears, 1996).
· Geometria Descriptiva
(Proa, 1999) [‘Descriptive geometry’].
· Paraula de poeta
(Govern de les Illes Balears, 2002) [‘Poet word’].
· Sons Nets
(Moll, 2004) [‘Clean Sounds’].
· À Mon Seu Désir
(El Tall, 2007) [‘To My Only Desire’].
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· Het poëtisch gelaat van de Balearen [Anthology], tr. Bob de Nijs. Altea: Point, 2002.
· Poetry in the Balearic Islands at the end of the millenium [Anthology], tr. Estelle Henry-Bossonney. Palma de Mallorca: Documenta Balear, 2003.
· La Poésie aux Baléares à la fin du millénaire [Anthology], tr. Jean-Marie Barberà, Annie Bats & Christian Camps. Montpellier: Publications de
Montpellier 3, 2002.
· Vinte poetas das Baleares, tr. Xavier Rodríguez Baixera. A Coruña: Espiral Maior, 2001.
· Antologie de poezie de autori din Insulele Baleare Secolul XX, tr. Nicolae Coman. Bucharest: Meronia, 2002.
· He decidido seguir viviendo... [Anthology], tr. José Bru & Jorge Souza. Mexico: Universidad de Guadalajara, 2004.
· Veinte poetas de las Baleares: antología del siglo XX, tr. Nicolau Dols, Gabriel de la S. T. Sampol & others. Madrid: Calambur, 2002.
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